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Smart Health Report

An independent health reporting process has been added to the new version of the software, which integrates the "intelligent diagnosis" function. After scanning the patient's complete intraoral data, AI intelligent algorithm will accurately find the patient's lesions, such as dental caries, dental calculus, gingival atrophy, etc., according to the image and 3D structure, and can quickly locate the location of each lesion. It is convenient for patients to understand their oral health more quickly and intuitively.

The operation steps are as follows: create a new patient and select the "Health Report" process;
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scan the patient's upper and lower dental arch and occlusion data, and then click Next to optimize the calculation;
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After optimization calculation, AI intelligent algorithm has automatically identified many lesions, which are listed on the left side of the interface. Click the item in the list, and the model will automatically switch to the position of the current focus, so as to observe the details of the focus;
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Clicking on the corresponding lesion will automatically pop up a screenshot window, and pre-fill in the symptoms of the lesion and the recommended diagnosis and treatment methods, which can be modified by the doctor according to the actual situation of the patient. After confirmation, the lesion will be automatically included in the oral health report. Reports can be uploaded to the cloud server and shared with patients in the form of two-dimensional codes for easy viewing and as a reference for follow-up diagnosis and treatment.
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"Intelligence " and "Fast " are the highlights of this feature. Using the AI algorithm of deep learning, we can accurately find and locate the focus, which saves the process that doctors need to constantly observe the model to find the focus. The subsequent upgrade of AI algorithm will support more types of lesion detection. After confirming the focus, one key can be added to describe and recommend diagnosis and treatment methods, which not only gives patients clear guidance information, but also greatly improves the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment of doctors.
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Please refer to the video demonstration below: